Atyani Howard

Atyani Howard

ATYANI HOWARDPRESIDENTShe/Her/HersAtyani is: The proud Black daughter of teenage parents, a born and raised Chicagoan living in California, and a twin boy mom. Atyani is passionate about all things Toni Morrison, documentary films, flowers, food, music of all kinds,...

Sherese Woolard

Sherese Woolard

SHERESE WOOLARDSENIOR ASSOCIATEShe/Her/Hers Sherese is: a fat, Black, queer woman; devoted sister, daughter and friend; inquisitive listener; mental health advocate; personality typology nerd; self-development aficionado; and on a mission to create a more inclusive...

Erin Sinnott

Erin Sinnott

ERIN SINNOTTSENIOR ASSOCIATEShe/Her/Hers Erin is: a mother, partner, sister, daughter, and granddaughter, whose intergenerational family grounds her in the astonishing capacity humans have to learn, grow and change at every stage of life. A white woman, inquisitive...

Tess Vigil

Tess Vigil

TESS VIGILASSOCIATE PARTNERShe/Her/HersTess is: a critically conscious Chicana, appreciative daughter, big sister, wife and mother; cisgendered and able-bodied, dedicated to the pursuit of equity and justice. A social critic and constant learner, Tess designs,...

Jodi Harris

Jodi Harris

JODI HARRISASSOCIATE PARTNERShe/Her/HersJodi is: a native Californian, former New Yorker and current resident of Atlanta, GA; an avid traveler, trail walker and passionate beach lover; a devoted daughter, sister, dog mom and friend; a passionate social justice...

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